Trespass Enforcement Program

Trespass Enforcement Agreement - No Trespassing Sign


The Hermiston Police Department is committed to the safety and well-being of all our citizens.  Some of the complaints we receive from business/property owners pertain to people trespassing on their properties.

Therefore, the Hermiston Police Department is implementing a Trespass Enforcement Agreement program.  By signing the business trespass agreement form you empower Hermiston Police officers to act as your “person in charge” for incidents involving criminal trespass at your business after hours.  Your authorization enables officers to make arrests on your behalf to ensure that your business remains safe and secure when you are not there. 

Businesses choosing to participate in this program will receive a placard specifying this partnership.  We envision these placards serving as a visible deterrent to persons who may be inclined to engage in criminal activity.

To receive a placard, please complete the form and return it to the Hermiston Police Department located at 330 South 1st Street, Hermiston, Oregon 97838.  If you sign the form, you are agreeing to return the placard if you do not fulfill your end of the trespass agreement, i.e., following through with prosecution in the event that officers make an arrest on your behalf or withdrawing “person in charge” authority.